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Hi im Coraline!

 kitty cat
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Featured Image
================================= 21/4/23
I had another amazing day today, The weather wasnt that great but it didnt really bother me, I got all the things I wanted to do today done so now im gonna take a break and work on this website for a little while :3, I dont know about the future but right now I think im on a really good trajectory in life, I haven't had much urge to do art as of late but I'll try to do some so I can add to the WIP art page. ================================= 20/4/23
Hai! I have made an update box for stuff that happens in my life and updates to the page, today I got on antidepressants and it was a beautiful day with the sun shining. Adding more text in here so I can see how the scrolling will work once there is alot of updates in this box. ================================= 19/4/23
Retroactively making an entry for yesterday, this was the day I made this website!! =================================
The Idea Board
*add more gifs of cats
*add your own art
*create art for the page
*create an archive for previous
 featured images
*make the site look better on 
different aspect ratios
*stop using the built in code editor
*add more ascii images I find

I am going to do some scrolling 
through other awesome peoples
websites so I find more cool ideas!

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Under construction!!! Currently making an updated version of this site

Thank you for following me!! I will keep updating this page as I learn new things I can do with HTML.

This is my really basic webpage while im figuring out how HTML works :3